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Wavesim Forum Group

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Hi everyone, Is there a benchmark/comparison for the performance of the package for higher index contrast configurations like a waveguide (silicon on insulator or other)? The FAQ mentions that the convergence will be slower but it would be interesting to know how much slower and how it compares to other methods. Does anyone have information about this?

Oct 09, 2024

Thanks for the response. I checked the Brueker and Osnabrugge papers. But was curious cause those compare for low index contrast. Particularly the Brueker case fig 6 has a 3500x difference in time. @Swapnil you mention a factor 53 vs 3500. Both are solid improvement. Can you comment on why sometimes the speed increase vs FDTD is larger than in other cases? @Evangelos Marakis: From a user perspective I would say I care about the total volume I can simulate in reasonable times with reasonable accuracy. If FDTD needs finer meshing for that, it just factors into that total volume. More or less all methods struggle with high index contrast so it's nice to see you a comparative advantage also in those cases. The other tricky case is metals, where FDTD and others need even finer grid steps.


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